Friday, March 27, 2009


Rory McInnes, 18, decided to make his family home stand out after watching a documentary about Google Earth.

Armed with a tin of white paint, he climbed on top of the $2 million home in Berkshire, south east England, and set to work.

His artwork remained unnoticed for 12 months until a helicopter pilot spotted it and swooped down low so his passengers could take photos.

Dad Andy thought it was a prank call when a British newspaper contacted him about the painting this week.

"It's an April Fool's joke, right? There's no way there's a 60ft phallus on top of my house,'' Mr McInnes told The Sun.

He confronted his four children, finding his answers when he reached Rory over the phone in Brazil.

Part-way through gap-year travels, Rory could not hold back his laughter as he confessed: "Oh, so you've found it then.''

The image has been compared to the Cerne Abbas Giant, a 55m-high naked figure carved into the hill at Dorset which is said to attract couples seeking to have children.

Mum Clare said: "We don't want any more children, so the idea of sleeping under a giant fertility symbol is rather worrying.''

Mr McInnes added: "We don't want to lie in bed at night and hear couples at it above us.

"When Rory gets home he will be given a scrubbing brush and white spirit and he can go and scrub it off.''



  1. JAAJJAAJAJAJJAJAJAJAJAAJJAJAJAAJJAJAAJAJAJJAJAJAAJAJJAAJAJAJAJJAAJJAJAAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJA Yo también quiero mi fotooooooooooooo!!!! Ptm que cague de risa Jennnnn este dibujo esbozó mi primera sonrisa de la mañana :P qui buinaaaaaa!! Thumbs up for u and the bick "phallus" JJJAAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJA!!!!!!
