Sunday, September 28, 2008


No quiero dar mas vueltas al parque 
sin saber que es lo que me espera en la ida

y aun sin poder dormir  porque no se de tu regreso. 


Thursday, September 25, 2008

Vino + mj plantation

First troncho (me da cosa decirlo en ingles)

fun anyways
and very tasty

Wednesday, September 24, 2008


Hoy quiero decir :

Margarita Yong Way
Lai ying yang wang wing wa wa 

te amo :) 

y fin. 


This is what happens
when you drink alcohol

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Good crappy day

Good : I got an A- today yay! 

Crappy: Slept 4 hours and Went to a 7 hours class plus, LOT of hw. 

Is it embarrassing if I say that I like Demi Lovato's song: Shadow ?

I really do ._.

Ok, bye now I'm going to commit suicide

Sunday, September 21, 2008

I'm so glad I've got my ipod back
I  have been listening to music like crazy
yayyy for my ipod

Today's songs:

4. The phrase that pays - The academy is...   - MUST listen to this one

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Frio miLeño

Hace un año y todo transcurria normalmente
la bulla por las mañanas y la humedad impregnada en mi ropa
jamas nada fue tan perfecto

Friday, September 19, 2008


Expecting more black circles to appear
damn you college!  


Thursday, September 18, 2008

Chau week

Careful what you wish for, careful what you do 
Even when you whisper, someone's listening to you

and I am done for this week with classes

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Ad ver tising

2. 20 am 
and some ideas have started to sparkle
some started to flow 
when suddenly, my best friend signed in and I got distracted 
and eventually now I have a mental breakdown

Why is a copy-driven ad so hard to create??

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Dor mir

I am off to bed 

Monday, September 15, 2008

Arm or no Arm?

It was supposed to be looking at one side but now it looks weird.

With arm or no arm?

Sunday, September 14, 2008

I am late nights

And I'm back to working on my computer
Long hours of sitting in a chair and turning the shuffle option On in my iTunes

Lights that don't go off until 4 in the morning
and a TV that shows the dumbest stuff
A room that would be as quiet as a library 
if it wasn't for the beginning of the fall semester

Currently listening to: Garden of Evil by 1997
Currently doing: Homework on Adobe Illustrator
Time: 3:31 am


"The coldest winter I ever saw was the summer I spent in San Francisco."

Mark Twain

Saturday, September 13, 2008


No existe el “soy sólo una persona”, porque somos millones. 
Es tiempo de que pensemos en qué puede hacer uno, 
y qué es lo que vas a hacer.

Extracto de :  D.C

Friday, September 12, 2008


i'm drunk and thats it

Thursday, September 11, 2008


Porquoi est-ce que je commence a penser sur tout 
quand il n'ya pas plus temp pour penser?

Je suis une vagabonde de mots

Je suis une vagabonde des mots
Qui joue avec leurs sens et leurs places
Pour les mettre sur mes maux
Afin de pouvoir briser la glace
Entre mes sensations délicates et ma peau.

Je me balade sur de simples poèmes
En vous confiant tous mes sentiments
Qui sont faits d'amour ou de haine.
J'exprime mon ressenti à tout moment
Et je pense que ce peut etre une embleme.

Des mots collés bout à bout
Formant peu à peu des lignes
Ou des bouts collés mot à mot 
Qui ne font qu'écrire mes abîmes
Mouillant de larmes mes deux joues.

Vagabonde ou plutot S.D.F. de mots
Qui ne sait pas comment s'en servir
Afin que naissent des poemes plus joyeux.
Je ne sais plus comment tout retranscrire
A travers des mots qui ne savent qu'être maux.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008


Fuck you!
Fuck the country
and the cities
Fuck everyone
who thinks their past is behind
Fuck you D
you just disappeared
Fuck My chemical romance
for making me get emotional
Fuck you abortion
you shouldn't be an option
Fuck you AAU
you accept everyone, even people who don't belong there
Fuck YouTube 
I know I love you, but still FUCK YOU
Fuck San Francisco
your hills make me want to puke
Fuck inner desires
you just make me create an illusion of a better future
and give me the strength to be here
Fuck being here
seriously, fuck being here
and fuck being anywhere else 
Fuck you red jeans
I don't have anything that matches you so far
and don't feel like finding anything that will
Fuck Miana 
you gave me one of the worst feelings
Fuck you mind 
for always wanting to go back 
and never knowing when you will give up to the temptation of doing so
Fuck you insanity 
Fuck my first schnauzer
you got killed
Fuck that I love art so much
Fuck people who think they are better than others
that includes some I may know
Fuck being so fucking lonely
and sounding so damn stupid when I think about it
Fuck missing people
Fuck music genres
you just create fights between people who think one genre is better than the other
Fuck aim, msn and any other IM 
Fuck my dreams 
Fuck everyone's dreams
you just make us live on the hope of accomplishing them
Fuck diet pills
and people who buy them
Fuck TV
the crap they show is getting worse
Fuckitty fuck fuck my blog
Fuck smoking
because now I wonder how my lungs look like
Fuck when you think your poem is good
and it's NOT
Fuck being sad
Fuck confusion
Fuck not knowing how to end this 
and fuck ending so predictably

Fuck me. 

Credits for the Idea to: twilight-stray

::: EOTS

We are always running for the thrill of it thrill of it
Always pushing up the hill searching for the thrill of it
On and on and on we are calling out and out again
Never looking down I’m just in awe of what’s in front of me

Is it real now
When two people become one
I can feel it
When two people become one

Thought I’d never see
The love you found in me
Now it’s changing all the time
Living in a rhythm where the minutes working overtime


I am so sick of people 

I am so sick of everything here

I need a radical change

;;; And classes have begun

"The secret of all effective originality in advertising is not the creation of new and tricky words and pictures, but one of putting familiar words and pictures into new relationships"

Leo Burnett

Monday, September 8, 2008


Era de noche, en toda una esquina habitada por solo 4 personas incluyendome a mi
De pronto veo a la distancia que una parte de la fabrica de mi papa coge fuego y este se esparce a gran velocidad

Yo corro hacia la avenida con las manos en alto gritando por ayuda 
Ningun carro se detiene y volteo la mirada solo para ver que el fuego ya se habia expandido

Corro hacia la fabrica y de pronto presiento que esta va a explotar
Me dirigo rapidamente hacia el arbol que se encuentra en toda la pista y me subo a el mientras escucho un gran sonido que me deja sorda por unos segundos

Todo estaba en cenizas y el fuego quemaba como si jams fuese a apagarse
Él corre a agarrarme por la espalda mientras yo miro la escena sin decir nada y con un gran dolor por dentro

Camino aun muda hacia donde estaban ellos y rompo en llanto

Me arrodillo y lloro mientras grito : "Estoy completamente sola"
"Mi familia, todos han muerto y estoy completamente sola", "completamente sola"
El dolor es insoportable 

Y de pronto...
Despierto aturdida y con ese nudo en la garganta
me tomo unos segundos y respiro
Jamas estuve tan feliz de saber que todo fue un sueño

Sunday, September 7, 2008


Cleaning is no fun

lykke li

I think I'm a little bit 
Little bit 
A little bit in love with you 
But only if you're a little bit 
Little bit 
Little bit 
In lalalala love with me 


Friday, September 5, 2008

o N

No se puede vivir con la esperanza de volver


After one year it feels like nothing has changed a bit.
 One year ago I would have thought that by this time I would be confident enough to say I love living here and that life could not get better than this.

I either had a very positive mind or a great imagination
In my opinion, think I might choose option number two 

Even though I feel like a big part of me being here sucks
I do not want to give up on the illusion of what I like to call a
 "better life"

I really hope this last part does not become another trick of what's left in that part of my brain that is tagged with a bright yellow tape 
that reads : "Inner desires"

Thursday, September 4, 2008

No one;

And I find I kind of funny 
I find it kind of sad 
The dreams in which I’m dying are the best I’ve ever had 
I find it hard to tell you 
I find it hard to take 
When people run in circles its a very very 
Mad world